Maharashtra’s leading Hindi Daily NavaBharat brought a unique idea to celebrate International Dance Day, by organising 12 hours of Non-Stop Dance Marathon (Nachenga Nagpur Non-stop), to connect with youth and get their engagement for the brand.
The brand associated with the Top 12 dance academies/ choreographers of Nagpur, 12 business partners, 12 corporate houses, 12 eminent personalities, and 12 Schools & Collages to create a buzz in the Market.
The promotion was done through Print, Radio, TV, OOH, On Ground and Digital & Social engagements.
Commenting on the event, Nitin Raut, Minister of Energy Department of Maharashtra, said, “I am surprised to see the energy and enthusiasm of the youth for the dance. Dance gives us happiness, stress-free life, fitness, socialization and meditation”.
Amitesh Kumar, Police Commissioner of Nagpur, observed: “I am very happy to see this type of event happening in the city because after Covid’19 youth are more engaged on social media and this type of event will give them back to normal”.
Sandeip Vishnoi, Vice President, NavaBharat), opined: “In-country like India people celebrate every small happiness with dance, but after lockdown people are still in a phase of fear so to bring people out in this new normal and to get engaged with the youth we brought a unique idea to celebrate International Dance Day”.