AlfaxMedia operates in a niche media segment, offering a unique DOOH media network in Hong Kong’s healthcare sector. What makes your media network distinctly attractive to brand advertisers?
Advertising in healthcare setting delivers superior persuasiveness and credibility, with an implied endorsement effect from doctors, one of the most trusted sources of information. On top of that, AlfaxMedia focuses our investment in premium grade clinics in the private healthcare sector, which means that Clinic TV can reach audiences who are likely to spend more on health and well-being.

What brand categories typically evince interest in advertising on AlfaxMedia assets?
Pharmaceuticals and biotech - prescription drugs, vaccines, medical tests (point-of-sale effect); brands targeting moms/expecting moms (due to our strong presence in paediatric/O&G clinics); insurance; health-related products, and generally brands who position their ad messages with a health angle.
What factors contribute to audience engagement with AlfaxMedia screens? What kind of content helps in enhancing the audience engagement?
Approximately 70% of Clinic TV’s airtime is dedicated to non-commercial content. Our program library contains a vast collection of entertaining and educational programmes, that are displayed in accordance to their relevancy to each clinic's patient profile. For example, Clinic TV programmes in paediatric clinics are heavily focused on educating viewers about caring for babies and young children.
How do the health centres benefit from having AlfaxMedia network on their premises?
Clinic TV is a valuable platform for doctors to communicate with their patients while they are waiting. In addition to our robust health education programme line up, doctors can participate in customising their own programmes. We offer free production services for clinics to introduce their services and present electronic bulletins, so that Clinic TV can become an integral part of their operation.
Is there scope for any convergence between your DOOH offering and digital media and social media advertising?
Most definitely. We are seeing more advertisers utilising Clinic TV as a driver to boost traffic to their websites/social media pages. This is particularly effective as patients these days are more inclined to play an active role in terms of decision-making related to health issues. For example, a brand of allergy drug may display a teaser ad on Clinic TV, to encourage viewers to visit their fan page to view more educational content on allergy disease management; or they may present a QR code for patients to redeem a discount on their website. The average waiting time at our network clinics is over 40 mins, offering the advantage of a no-escape, captive audience for advertisers to utilize their airtime creatively and effectively.
Do you see any scope of expansion of your network across different overseas markets?
At the moment, we plan to focus on expanding in our local market first; but if the opportunity arises, we will certainly be open to the possibility of expanding across different overseas markets.